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Funding Schemes

Several of the national Swedish research and innovation funding agencies and foundations have initiated funding schemes related to ESS and MAX IV to support competence building, research collaborations and innovations since the decision to build ESS in Lund was made.

Vinnova have since 2018 funded a broad range of industrial pilot projects and competence building activities for industry. More info.

Swedish Research Council funds a broad range of ESS and MAX IV related activities, including annual project calls for neutron science (more info), preparatory ESS instrument project and is currently developing a national in-kind program for ESS.

NordForsk (funding agency under the Nordic Council of Ministers) is together with funding agencies in Sweden, Denmark and Norway funding the Nordic Neutron Science Program focusing on joint Nordic networks, Post-docs, PhD-projects and a common Nordic research school (NNSP).

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International Networks

Funding schemes

Ongoing Projects

University Campus

For Academia

For Industry

The Research Facilities